Short Vowel Boot Camp

Are your students hitting a wall when they are beginning to blend CVC words? This is typically for one of two reasons:

1. Their phonemic awareness skills are weak
2. They are inconsistent with short vowel sounds

Both of these areas need to be strong in order to begin blending CVC words. I have put together a Short Vowel Bootcamp to help students master the short vowel sounds so that they can transition to the next phase of reading!

This 2-week intensive program focuses on short vowel sounds. In this pack you will find two full weeks of easy to follow lesson plans as well as a third week of extended plans for students who may need additional instruction.

The highlights of this program include:
-Mouth shape visual supports
-Short focused lessons
-Explicit direct instruction
-Differentiated hands-on activities
-Targeted independent practice
-Easy to administer pre-, mid-, and post assessments

Why the mouth pictures?
•The mouth pictures provide students with a visual cue for each vowel sound. Using the mouth pictures along with a mirror draws the students’ attention to the formation of their mouth during each sound. 
Is this intervention appropriate for students with significant speech delays? 
•Yes! This intervention is not only appropriate for students with speech delays, but is an effective instructional option for working on both reading and articulation at the same time. Please consult with your student’s speech therapist to demine the sound approximation that you should be encouraging during the lessons. If the student is unable to make an approximation of the vowel sound, you can modify the activities by having the student point to the letters instead of producing the sound. 
Where can I find the mirror for the Vowel Slider?
•The vowel slider is sized to fit a 5x7 locker mirror. These mirrors typically run $1-$4 and can be found at the dollar store or Amazon. They can also be found during the back to school season at stores like Target and Walmart. Can’t find a 5x7 mirror? Experiment with smaller sizes, such as a makeup compact mirror. Don’t have enough mirrors for all of your students? One mirror can be shared between a pair of students or even a small group.
Do I need to complete the lessons in order?
•Yes and no. The lesson plans are just a recommendation to guide your instruction and are an especially helpful tool to provide teaching assistants. A majority of the worksheets and activities can be completed in any order and the hands-on activities are a great option for students to practice and review the vowel sounds throughout the year. However, the teacher presentation pages are designed to fade the visual supports. It is recommended that you progress through these pages at a rate that meets the needs of your students. 
Are the extended lesson plans are required part of the program?
•No. The first two weeks of the program are recommended to teach and reinforce the short vowel sounds. The extended lesson plans and extra practice worksheets are available to provide additional practice if needed. 
Are there any prerequisites needed to begin the program?
•This program is intended to be an intervention for students who have already had exposure to the names and sounds of each letter in the alphabet. 
Help! I am not sure what one of the pictures is!
•There is a picture index included on page 10.

Have you used the Short Vowel Bootcamp in your classroom?  If so, let me know! I love to hear about how teachers are using my resources.  You can send me an email at or tag me on Instagram.

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